ment & Creation

Efficient brand building for an unmistakable brand

We make your brand shine. In every dimension.

You can see the impact of our brand work: on your products, your services, your design and your communications. On your sales, your culture, and your organisation.

We are particularly good at this here at gmk Markenberatung because we seamlessly combine strategy and creativity with effective execution. Because we approach your transformation or your brand relaunch holistically. Our brand creation fills the strategy with life and gives your brand its distinctive expression. In every dimension and in every area of the company. We take a comprehensive approach to brand building.

The brand positioning is always the basis of our creative efforts. It guides and inspires us when we work with you to build the brand in all its dimensions – in the visual, content, language and multisensory spheres. From product design and brand language to services configured in the style of the brand, our goal is to create inspiring brand experiences that allow us to go beyond the conventional.

We apply these five disciplines to your brand creation:

Deployment in products and services

We assist you with the design of product portfolios and characteristic brand services. This can give rise to many things: from new business models and product portfolio ecosystems that are developed on the basis of brand positioning, to the development of product design strategies.

Creation in design

We do not believe that design is simply a matter of taste. Using the brand positioning as a starting point, we employ the gmk brand code principle to develop your specific brand codes – this gives us a foundation on which to create effective design processes. And to fashion a distinctive brand design that takes your brand to the next level.

Creation in communication

We work with you to establish a communication strategy. One that makes your brand distinctive and sets it apart throughout communications: by developing your brand language, naming, and content marketing such that it is imaginative, characteristic of the brand, and focused on your target group.

Deployment in sales

We create the characteristic brand sales story for your sales staff. We derive sales arguments from the brand story – and transform your sales team into your top brand ambassadors. The aim: to maintain brand character from sales talks right through to the point of sale.

Deployment in culture and organisation

Brand-driven transformation makes it necessary to change organisational structures within the firm. We help you to create an environment in which the brand can be experienced in its entirety within the company – such as by eliminating silo structures, forming interdisciplinary teams, and establishing new processes and routines.